The video begins with Erin Andrews, identified as a sports broadcaster directly addressing the camera in a rounded video box on a gray background. As Erin speaks, her words animate onto the screen, even when video of her interview isn’t on the screen.
Erin: It was really, really hard for me to go through this fertility process.
Erin’s video shifts to the side in a split screen as we see a shot of a woman’s hands holding a negative pregnancy test.
Erin: The doctors were so meticulous in what I could actually put in my body.
The video panels shift again to a triptych formation, showing shots of doctors making notes, running tests, and handling capsules. After a beat, these panels shift to create a new triptych with video of Erin’s interview in the middle, flanked on either side by capsules and gel supplements. This triptych slides off to the side, revealing new panels showing healthy foods before a single panel featuring a doctor writing takes center stage.
Erin: When they kept saying to me, use this Thorne product, use this thorn product, use this Thorne product, take three of these Thorne products.
Every time Erin says “use this Thorne Product” a new Thorne product image from Thorne’s fertility suite rises onto the screen replacing the one prior. Super EPA is replaced by 5-MTHF, which is replaced by L-Carnitine, which is replaced by three panels of Basic Prenatal.
Erin: I just knew this had to be so important!
We see a split screen of two shots of Erin’s interview, a medium shot, and a close up, as Erin punctuates her words with her hands for emphasis.
Erin: As a new mother, I am so passionate about Thorne.
The shots of Erin’s interview slide away to reveal a circular video panel of a mother caressing her newborn’s toes. A small disclaimer on the bottom of the screen reads: These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As Erin says the word “Thorne” we see the Thorne logo, and URL for appear over black.